Tuesday, June 30, 2009

That Screaming You Hear Is My Last Nerve

UGH--I'm blowing this popsicle stand, folks! Another stupid fight last night with my partner, which put me in a tailspin over my writing work, which has dried up. The two of us did have a nice weekend, though, some cookouts with friends and saw "The Hangover" (HI-larious!).

So, I'm just blowing off today and going to ride the motorcycle a bit and then swing by my mom's place. She's home today, and it'll be nice to get a mom hug! It's just all too much at the moment.

That Screaming You Hear Is My Last Nerve

UGH--I'm blowing this popsicle stand, folks! Another stupid fight last night with my partner, which put me in a tailspin over my writing work, which has dried up. The two of us did have a nice weekend, though, some cookouts with friends and saw "The Hangover" (HI-larious!).

So, I'm just blowing off today and going to ride the motorcycle a bit and then swing by my mom's place. She's home today, and it'll be nice to get a mom hug! It's just all too much at the moment.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Raising a Glass of Mead: Cheers!

Until yesterday, I had never tried mead before. I was at a cookout, and a friend's husband brought several homemade wines, beer and some mead. It's made from honey, and I guess I thought it would be way too sweet and thick. On the contrary, the mead was very light and just sweet enough. And on a sweltering summer day, it was the perfect refreshment.

If you're curious, read more about mead here.

Raising a Glass of Mead: Cheers!

Until yesterday, I had never tried mead before. I was at a cookout, and a friend's husband brought several homemade wines, beer and some mead. It's made from honey, and I guess I thought it would be way too sweet and thick. On the contrary, the mead was very light and just sweet enough. And on a sweltering summer day, it was the perfect refreshment.

If you're curious, read more about mead here.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Boys of Summer 09 #1: Refreshing Dip

Now that it's officially summer, I thought I'd have a little fun and post regular "Boys of Summer" photos that catch my eye. I simply want to celebrate the natural beauty of the male form. Too often in our culture, men's bodies are considered offensive or ugly. Makes sense in a patriarchal society, I suppose. How dreary...

So here's the first, a nice black-and-white of two enjoying a summer swim in the lake.

And it seems those computer glitches have been resolved!

Boys of Summer 09 #1: Refreshing Dip

Now that it's officially summer, I thought I'd have a little fun and post regular "Boys of Summer" photos that catch my eye. I simply want to celebrate the natural beauty of the male form. Too often in our culture, men's bodies are considered offensive or ugly. Makes sense in a patriarchal society, I suppose. How dreary...

So here's the first, a nice black-and-white of two enjoying a summer swim in the lake.

And it seems those computer glitches have been resolved!

Blogger Locked Me Out!

Couldn't post on Friday for technical reasons. Somehow my blog was flagged as "spam" by Blogger. Could've been the code I copied and pasted in my previous post. Just guessing since I haven't had any problems to date.

But now I'm having issues with Firefox, which is the browser I like best. Safari basically sucks, and it's the only other browser I have on the work computer. So, posting may be a bit erratic while I attempt to resolve these issues.

Blogger Locked Me Out!

Couldn't post on Friday for technical reasons. Somehow my blog was flagged as "spam" by Blogger. Could've been the code I copied and pasted in my previous post. Just guessing since I haven't had any problems to date.

But now I'm having issues with Firefox, which is the browser I like best. Safari basically sucks, and it's the only other browser I have on the work computer. So, posting may be a bit erratic while I attempt to resolve these issues.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How Gay Are You?

I've seen these before but never taken one--and I'm SO bored right now. Yeah, kinda fun--but only 73%?

You Are 73% Stereotypically Gay

You are quite the stereotypical gay person, my friend. You're practically a Carson Kressley queer, but not quite. A few slow people don't know you're gay yet, but everyone else does. Might as well flaunt it.

How Stereotypically Gay Are You?
Take More Quizzes

How Gay Are You?

I've seen these before but never taken one--and I'm SO bored right now. Yeah, kinda fun--but only 73%?

You Are 73% Stereotypically Gay

You are quite the stereotypical gay person, my friend. You're practically a Carson Kressley queer, but not quite. A few slow people don't know you're gay yet, but everyone else does. Might as well flaunt it.

How Stereotypically Gay Are You?
Take More Quizzes

Preview of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"

Seen the photos from Tim Burton's upcoming "Alice in Wonderland" film? Here's actress Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen. More amazing pics here, and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter looks truly mad!

I love Burton's movies, and I can't wait to see what he does with a classic like "Alice!" The cast also includes Anne Hathaway, Michael Sheen, Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee and Crispin Glover.

It's been so long since I've read "Alice." With Burton at the helm, I'm sure this will be not only a visually stunning trip but also a mental loop-de-loop!

Preview of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"

Seen the photos from Tim Burton's upcoming "Alice in Wonderland" film? Here's actress Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen. More amazing pics here, and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter looks truly mad!

I love Burton's movies, and I can't wait to see what he does with a classic like "Alice!" The cast also includes Anne Hathaway, Michael Sheen, Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee and Crispin Glover.

It's been so long since I've read "Alice." With Burton at the helm, I'm sure this will be not only a visually stunning trip but also a mental loop-de-loop!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Did You Know It's Now Illegal--in the U.S.--to Sell Dirtbikes/Motorcycles Designed for Kids?

In a well-intentioned effort to prevent children under 12 from being exposed to lead in certain toys, the government has tripped up and made it illegal for your local motorcycle shop or ATV dealer to sell vehicles for kids. You know, they might start biting on that lead battery terminal or something.

Yeah, I know I said I wasn't going to write about politics for a while, but I can't help myself on this one. This is stupid and shouldn't be happening. It prevents kids who enjoy bikes and ATVs from getting replacement parts when needed, or from getting that shiny new bike they wanted, and it effectively eliminates an entire revenue stream for local dealers!

The legislation took effect in February 09 and is called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). I heard about it through my subscription to "American Motorcyclist" magazine. I'm all for protecting children from lead in toys, but when you're riding a motorcycle or ATV, it isn't the same as chewing on an old windowsill!

It appears a stay has been granted on enforcing the law, but that only means fines won't be imposed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Technically, sales of these vehicles are still illegal, and any state attorney general could prosecute a dealer or private individual if he/she was pissed off and felt like it.

Read more here and ask Congress to exempt youth-model motorcycles and ATVs from the CPSIA. I've sent in my request! Just think about the dealers--like they really need another economic gut-punch right now. And the children--think of the children!

Did You Know It's Now Illegal--in the U.S.--to Sell Dirtbikes/Motorcycles Designed for Kids?

In a well-intentioned effort to prevent children under 12 from being exposed to lead in certain toys, the government has tripped up and made it illegal for your local motorcycle shop or ATV dealer to sell vehicles for kids. You know, they might start biting on that lead battery terminal or something.

Yeah, I know I said I wasn't going to write about politics for a while, but I can't help myself on this one. This is stupid and shouldn't be happening. It prevents kids who enjoy bikes and ATVs from getting replacement parts when needed, or from getting that shiny new bike they wanted, and it effectively eliminates an entire revenue stream for local dealers!

The legislation took effect in February 09 and is called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). I heard about it through my subscription to "American Motorcyclist" magazine. I'm all for protecting children from lead in toys, but when you're riding a motorcycle or ATV, it isn't the same as chewing on an old windowsill!

It appears a stay has been granted on enforcing the law, but that only means fines won't be imposed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Technically, sales of these vehicles are still illegal, and any state attorney general could prosecute a dealer or private individual if he/she was pissed off and felt like it.

Read more here and ask Congress to exempt youth-model motorcycles and ATVs from the CPSIA. I've sent in my request! Just think about the dealers--like they really need another economic gut-punch right now. And the children--think of the children!

Crowd Goes Gaga for Lady Gaga's Exploding Boobs!

You go, Gaga! Man, I totally need this get-up to wear while riding my motorcycle.

The Lady Gaga is once again in the news for her sense of fashion, this time shooting sparks from her bosom at the Much Music Awards this past weekend.

Please, kids, do not try this at home with Fourth of July sparklers and your granny's bra.

Crowd Goes Gaga for Lady Gaga's Exploding Boobs!

You go, Gaga! Man, I totally need this get-up to wear while riding my motorcycle.

The Lady Gaga is once again in the news for her sense of fashion, this time shooting sparks from her bosom at the Much Music Awards this past weekend.

Please, kids, do not try this at home with Fourth of July sparklers and your granny's bra.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why Did the Raccoon and the Turtle Cross the Road?

The world isn't all doom and gloom--thank the goddess! Over the weekend, I was headed to my workshop when I saw 2 cars pulled over to opposite sides of the street, their flashers blinking. At first I thought the drivers were talking and I began to bitch. But as I got closer, I could see why they had stopped. There were 2 baby raccoons right in the middle of the road, huddled together! These drivers had stopped to warn others to slow down. I didn't see a mother raccoon but I'm assuming the babies were trying to cross the road and may have been spooked by the cars. I couldn't stay and watch, but thanks to those 2 drivers, the babies may have made their way to safety.

And then this morning on the way to work, I saw a man holding something and standing on the sidewalk. He was watching traffic on a busy road and trying to find a way to cross with whatever he was carrying. As I drove past, I could see it was a large turtle! I'm assuming he was trying to cross and release it where it would be less likely to get smashed.

I can't help but be reminded of Christ's words. In Matthew 25:40, he was talking about prisoners and those in need, but I think it also applies here, to those creatures we often overlook or consider pests: "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Why Did the Raccoon and the Turtle Cross the Road?

The world isn't all doom and gloom--thank the goddess! Over the weekend, I was headed to my workshop when I saw 2 cars pulled over to opposite sides of the street, their flashers blinking. At first I thought the drivers were talking and I began to bitch. But as I got closer, I could see why they had stopped. There were 2 baby raccoons right in the middle of the road, huddled together! These drivers had stopped to warn others to slow down. I didn't see a mother raccoon but I'm assuming the babies were trying to cross the road and may have been spooked by the cars. I couldn't stay and watch, but thanks to those 2 drivers, the babies may have made their way to safety.

And then this morning on the way to work, I saw a man holding something and standing on the sidewalk. He was watching traffic on a busy road and trying to find a way to cross with whatever he was carrying. As I drove past, I could see it was a large turtle! I'm assuming he was trying to cross and release it where it would be less likely to get smashed.

I can't help but be reminded of Christ's words. In Matthew 25:40, he was talking about prisoners and those in need, but I think it also applies here, to those creatures we often overlook or consider pests: "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Choosing Joy

I was all excited to get back to posting today. Vacation is over, and I also completed my final shamanic workshop in the mystery school I've been in since August 08. So many great things to share.

And then the news of more deaths in Iran, especially of how one woman's death--caught on camera--is galvanizing protests against the re-election of Ahmadinejad. How can I gush about how wonderful life is when--well, in the face of so much evidence that life can be downright awful?

Plus, I really want a hiatus from politics in general.

But I look at what's happening in Iran and even in my own hometown, and I know life CAN be wonderful. We can love each other and give and receive joy. The world--the universe--is an amazing, awesome thing--even in spite of such suffering.

This calla lily is one of many that have bloomed this year in our garden. I'm awestruck by its simplicity and beauty. I've been meditating on it for days now, and I feel it symbolizes the universe itself. As I've been processing everything that occurred during my shamanic training, I keep coming back to this calla lily. I see "god" in it; call it the Creator or divinity or whatever you prefer. Within this lily are the same materials within us, the same particles that make up the dust of stars.

We have to choose to see these connections. Many in the world choose otherwise. Look to Iran, to our own government's failings and, maybe, to your own family. Maybe even into your own heart.

This last shamanic workshop was the perfect ending; unlike most of the others, there wasn't anything I didn't like! It all closed on the perfect note. There are many people I met whom I may never see again, and yet I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with them in this school, to have brushed up against them. Some I really like, some not so much. But all proved to be capable of great love and sharing, exhibited in a variety of ways. When we approach each other out of mutual respect and love, what we can create is limitless.

Why can't our entire existence be filled in this way? I don't know the answer. I guess I'm offering this lily as a token of hope to the world, to Iran, to my partner and my family--and to each one of you. I wish each of you could feel the joy that I have recently experienced. I wish that joy could take root inside and nurture you, giving you whatever you need most.

There is another way to live. Come what may, be bold enough to make that choice.

Choosing Joy

I was all excited to get back to posting today. Vacation is over, and I also completed my final shamanic workshop in the mystery school I've been in since August 08. So many great things to share.

And then the news of more deaths in Iran, especially of how one woman's death--caught on camera--is galvanizing protests against the re-election of Ahmadinejad. How can I gush about how wonderful life is when--well, in the face of so much evidence that life can be downright awful?

Plus, I really want a hiatus from politics in general.

But I look at what's happening in Iran and even in my own hometown, and I know life CAN be wonderful. We can love each other and give and receive joy. The world--the universe--is an amazing, awesome thing--even in spite of such suffering.

This calla lily is one of many that have bloomed this year in our garden. I'm awestruck by its simplicity and beauty. I've been meditating on it for days now, and I feel it symbolizes the universe itself. As I've been processing everything that occurred during my shamanic training, I keep coming back to this calla lily. I see "god" in it; call it the Creator or divinity or whatever you prefer. Within this lily are the same materials within us, the same particles that make up the dust of stars.

We have to choose to see these connections. Many in the world choose otherwise. Look to Iran, to our own government's failings and, maybe, to your own family. Maybe even into your own heart.

This last shamanic workshop was the perfect ending; unlike most of the others, there wasn't anything I didn't like! It all closed on the perfect note. There are many people I met whom I may never see again, and yet I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with them in this school, to have brushed up against them. Some I really like, some not so much. But all proved to be capable of great love and sharing, exhibited in a variety of ways. When we approach each other out of mutual respect and love, what we can create is limitless.

Why can't our entire existence be filled in this way? I don't know the answer. I guess I'm offering this lily as a token of hope to the world, to Iran, to my partner and my family--and to each one of you. I wish each of you could feel the joy that I have recently experienced. I wish that joy could take root inside and nurture you, giving you whatever you need most.

There is another way to live. Come what may, be bold enough to make that choice.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Send Me an Angel: My Last Shamanic Workshop

Things have been hectic since returning from the beach. Thought I'd have time to post something on protests in Iran or Chastity Bono becoming a man, but alas, 'twas not to be! I just hope things stay peaceful in Iran, and as far as Chastity goes, I wish her luck and peace. I met her once many years ago and thought she was a very friendly and genuine person. I just hope mama Cher is understanding!

Tonight begins the last of 7 shamanic workshops--and I'll also be ordained this weekend as an interfaith minister. The workshop itself will focus on the crown chakra, and what little I do know is that we'll focus on those "higher" energies, which some believe includes angels.

As long as they look like this angel above, sign me up!

So have a happy Summer Solstice, everyone. Get out and enjoy the sun and see you in a few days!

Send Me an Angel: My Last Shamanic Workshop

Things have been hectic since returning from the beach. Thought I'd have time to post something on protests in Iran or Chastity Bono becoming a man, but alas, 'twas not to be! I just hope things stay peaceful in Iran, and as far as Chastity goes, I wish her luck and peace. I met her once many years ago and thought she was a very friendly and genuine person. I just hope mama Cher is understanding!

Tonight begins the last of 7 shamanic workshops--and I'll also be ordained this weekend as an interfaith minister. The workshop itself will focus on the crown chakra, and what little I do know is that we'll focus on those "higher" energies, which some believe includes angels.

As long as they look like this angel above, sign me up!

So have a happy Summer Solstice, everyone. Get out and enjoy the sun and see you in a few days!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Good and the Bad of the Beach Vacation

Well, my vacation was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Why do I keep letting this happen? In a nutshell, more squabbling between me and my partner, but we did have a nice Saturday. Then all hell broke loose when he drank too much Saturday night. *sigh* Oddly, I felt relatively calm about it the next morning, but my emotions were more troubled than I realized. While visiting family, I had a minor meltdown at lunch--in public--because a cousin wouldn't shut up about politics! I'm on vacation, dammit, and I don't care! So, dear readers, you may see very little from me on politics for a while. I've had my fill.

Still, there were some good moments. The photo above shows the beach--we had it virtually to ourselves! And for the first time in years, I took an old inflatable raft and cavorted in the waves. I really should do this more often.

Next pic is taken from the house where we stayed and shows one of the canals that run between the houses. Breakfasts here on the deck were so peacefully quiet, with cool ocean breezes. I had several starlings roosting in a nearby birdhouse for company.

Some other fun moments:
  • Found a delightfully charming Italian restaurant, with plastic ivy on the walls and Lucite chandeliers. I enjoyed my dinner of clams and mussells over pasta in a white wine sauce, with a great glass of sauvignon blanc. I nicknamed our hostess "Lola," and she was working the tight red dress and flashy gold high heels!
  • Sushi at an outdoor music bar by the causeway, during a torrential summer downpour.

  • Seeing the new JJ Abrams "Star Trek" movie! Even if you're not a Trekkie, you'll enjoy this. Go see it! And Anton Yelchin is just the cutest as "Chekov" (pictured).
  • Met 2 old friends for lunch.
  • A crazy yet capable waitress who kept repeating "Yeppers!"
  • Drinks by the marina at sunset, and then strawberry shortcake from a hotel balcony overlooking the ocean.
  • Listening to the latest CDs from Lady Gaga and Keith Urban.
Those were the good points, but there was plenty that made this one of my least favorite vacations. I mean, seriously, why take off time from work? I need to let all the emotions settle and then maybe I can post more details.

Anyway, it's good to be home.

The Good and the Bad of the Beach Vacation

Well, my vacation was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Why do I keep letting this happen? In a nutshell, more squabbling between me and my partner, but we did have a nice Saturday. Then all hell broke loose when he drank too much Saturday night. *sigh* Oddly, I felt relatively calm about it the next morning, but my emotions were more troubled than I realized. While visiting family, I had a minor meltdown at lunch--in public--because a cousin wouldn't shut up about politics! I'm on vacation, dammit, and I don't care! So, dear readers, you may see very little from me on politics for a while. I've had my fill.

Still, there were some good moments. The photo above shows the beach--we had it virtually to ourselves! And for the first time in years, I took an old inflatable raft and cavorted in the waves. I really should do this more often.

Next pic is taken from the house where we stayed and shows one of the canals that run between the houses. Breakfasts here on the deck were so peacefully quiet, with cool ocean breezes. I had several starlings roosting in a nearby birdhouse for company.

Some other fun moments:
  • Found a delightfully charming Italian restaurant, with plastic ivy on the walls and Lucite chandeliers. I enjoyed my dinner of clams and mussells over pasta in a white wine sauce, with a great glass of sauvignon blanc. I nicknamed our hostess "Lola," and she was working the tight red dress and flashy gold high heels!
  • Sushi at an outdoor music bar by the causeway, during a torrential summer downpour.

  • Seeing the new JJ Abrams "Star Trek" movie! Even if you're not a Trekkie, you'll enjoy this. Go see it! And Anton Yelchin is just the cutest as "Chekov" (pictured).
  • Met 2 old friends for lunch.
  • A crazy yet capable waitress who kept repeating "Yeppers!"
  • Drinks by the marina at sunset, and then strawberry shortcake from a hotel balcony overlooking the ocean.
  • Listening to the latest CDs from Lady Gaga and Keith Urban.
Those were the good points, but there was plenty that made this one of my least favorite vacations. I mean, seriously, why take off time from work? I need to let all the emotions settle and then maybe I can post more details.

Anyway, it's good to be home.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Headed to the Beach--Wonder What Will Wash Ashore?

Oh, look--an injured mer man has beached himself! Perhaps my kiss will restore his health and fins, and he will carry me away to his underwater love grotto out of eternal gratitude. Hey--it happened in "The Little Mermaid," didn't it?!

But yes, I'm off to the beach (2 beaches, actually!) for several days of R&R with my real-life mer man, so don't expect any witty or enlightening posts until I return. I plan to catch up on my reading and writing (and drinking) and commune a little with the Sea Goddess.

Until then, thanks to all my readers, and I wish for you all peace, light and bliss.

Headed to the Beach--Wonder What Will Wash Ashore?

Oh, look--an injured mer man has beached himself! Perhaps my kiss will restore his health and fins, and he will carry me away to his underwater love grotto out of eternal gratitude. Hey--it happened in "The Little Mermaid," didn't it?!

But yes, I'm off to the beach (2 beaches, actually!) for several days of R&R with my real-life mer man, so don't expect any witty or enlightening posts until I return. I plan to catch up on my reading and writing (and drinking) and commune a little with the Sea Goddess.

Until then, thanks to all my readers, and I wish for you all peace, light and bliss.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Miss California Fired!

Guess all didn't turn out so well since Donald Trump let Carrie Prejean keep her crown. Seems Carrie was just too distracted with her marriage crusade to remain a mere pageant winner. So they fired her ass! Read more at Joe.My.God.

Miss California Fired!

Guess all didn't turn out so well since Donald Trump let Carrie Prejean keep her crown. Seems Carrie was just too distracted with her marriage crusade to remain a mere pageant winner. So they fired her ass! Read more at Joe.My.God.

How Much is a Chinese Muslim Worth? And the Enya Connection.

That would be roughly $11 million each! Geez, can I have one to sell? Ok, it isn't quite that way, but the U.S. is giving the Pacific nation of Palau $200 million in aid because they've agreed to resettle 17 Chinese Muslims--also called by their ethnic name of Uighurs--now being held at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo). As the story goes, these Uighurs have been cleared of actually being terrorists, and the U.S. has been wanting to resettle them. However, we're afraid to send them back home to China (see shaded area of map for Uighur regions) because they may be imprisoned there or executed--because the Chinese government considers the Uighurs to be dangerous Islamic separatists (i.e., terrorists).

Confused yet? Stay with me! So yeah, it does sound a little like these 17 guys were sold, but figuring out what the hell to do with them has been a thorn in President Obama's side and was holding up closing Gitmo for good. Apparently, no one but Palau wanted the Uighurs. Albania took 5 Gitmo Uighurs in 2006 but said, "Thanks, we have plenty." Plus, Obama wants to close Gitmo by next January, so he's running out of time.

Not a bad deal, really. Palau (below) gets much-needed cash, and these prisoners get a new life in island paradise--sweet!

Wow--never thought I'd have a post with so many seemingly unrelated things. But wait--that's not all!

Did you know that Palau used to be a U.S. trust, ever since it was seized from Japan in World War II? We gave them their independence in '94, but we still have to defend them if they're attacked. And so Palau lets us have a military base there. Plus, if you're native Palauan, you can travel to the U.S. without a passport or visa!

So what does singer Enya have to do with this? Well, she has that phrase "from Bissau to Palau" in my favorite song, "Orinoco Flow!" Ok, NOW this is officially the most surreal post I've ever done.

How Much is a Chinese Muslim Worth? And the Enya Connection.

That would be roughly $11 million each! Geez, can I have one to sell? Ok, it isn't quite that way, but the U.S. is giving the Pacific nation of Palau $200 million in aid because they've agreed to resettle 17 Chinese Muslims--also called by their ethnic name of Uighurs--now being held at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo). As the story goes, these Uighurs have been cleared of actually being terrorists, and the U.S. has been wanting to resettle them. However, we're afraid to send them back home to China (see shaded area of map for Uighur regions) because they may be imprisoned there or executed--because the Chinese government considers the Uighurs to be dangerous Islamic separatists (i.e., terrorists).

Confused yet? Stay with me! So yeah, it does sound a little like these 17 guys were sold, but figuring out what the hell to do with them has been a thorn in President Obama's side and was holding up closing Gitmo for good. Apparently, no one but Palau wanted the Uighurs. Albania took 5 Gitmo Uighurs in 2006 but said, "Thanks, we have plenty." Plus, Obama wants to close Gitmo by next January, so he's running out of time.

Not a bad deal, really. Palau (below) gets much-needed cash, and these prisoners get a new life in island paradise--sweet!

Wow--never thought I'd have a post with so many seemingly unrelated things. But wait--that's not all!

Did you know that Palau used to be a U.S. trust, ever since it was seized from Japan in World War II? We gave them their independence in '94, but we still have to defend them if they're attacked. And so Palau lets us have a military base there. Plus, if you're native Palauan, you can travel to the U.S. without a passport or visa!

So what does singer Enya have to do with this? Well, she has that phrase "from Bissau to Palau" in my favorite song, "Orinoco Flow!" Ok, NOW this is officially the most surreal post I've ever done.

Learning About Lucid Dreaming from My Groundhog Jedi Masters

How can a groundhog be a Jedi? Hello, remember Yoda? He wasn't much bigger than a groundhog. So with all the groundhog energy in my yard lately, I thought I should take another look at the critter's symbolism, get in touch with it on a shamanic level and see what the animal might represent. Sometimes, yes, it's just a pesky groundhog, but here's what I found.

Excerpted from Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak":
Because of their digging and tunneling abilities, the appearance of a groundhog may reflect your own ability to go deep within an area of interest or when a new area of study is about to open up.

The groundhog's "medicine" is its ability to hibernate for long periods. In the winter, its body temperature drops to just above freezing, its breathing slows to one breath per minute (wow) and the heart beats only about 4 or five times per minutes (wow, wow). This symbolizes opening to the dreamtime and using it more powerfully. Groundhogs can alert us to the significance of dreams and the ability to develop lucid dreaming and other altered states.

Just like groundhogs, shamans, yogis and other mystics would slow down their own breathing and heart beat in order to enter altered states or trances. In these states, they would seek healing or knowledge. So, the groundhog announces more opportunities to explore these states of consciousness.

Ok, cool, so I guess I need to pay more attention to my meditations, journeys and dreams, to delve deeper. There's quite a bit about consciousness I haven't explored, and I do have much more to learn. We've actually discussed this in our shamanic workshops, and there's one recurring dream I have that I'd like to explore in a more intentional way. This has always been a fascinating topic to me.

But then it gets scary: "Animal Speak" also suggests that groundhogs, because of their ability to hibernate, can offer lessons associated with death and dying and revelations about its process. Um--that doesn't sound all that fun. Thank you Messrs. Groundhog, I'll take all this under consideration--but I think I'll focus on the dreams instead!

Of course, don't forget Groundhog Day in February--same time as Imbolc or St. Brigid's Day, when the critters emerge from hibernation to predict the weather.

Learn more about groundhogs here, or read the full "Animal Speak" entry.

Learning About Lucid Dreaming from My Groundhog Jedi Masters

How can a groundhog be a Jedi? Hello, remember Yoda? He wasn't much bigger than a groundhog. So with all the groundhog energy in my yard lately, I thought I should take another look at the critter's symbolism, get in touch with it on a shamanic level and see what the animal might represent. Sometimes, yes, it's just a pesky groundhog, but here's what I found.

Excerpted from Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak":
Because of their digging and tunneling abilities, the appearance of a groundhog may reflect your own ability to go deep within an area of interest or when a new area of study is about to open up.

The groundhog's "medicine" is its ability to hibernate for long periods. In the winter, its body temperature drops to just above freezing, its breathing slows to one breath per minute (wow) and the heart beats only about 4 or five times per minutes (wow, wow). This symbolizes opening to the dreamtime and using it more powerfully. Groundhogs can alert us to the significance of dreams and the ability to develop lucid dreaming and other altered states.

Just like groundhogs, shamans, yogis and other mystics would slow down their own breathing and heart beat in order to enter altered states or trances. In these states, they would seek healing or knowledge. So, the groundhog announces more opportunities to explore these states of consciousness.

Ok, cool, so I guess I need to pay more attention to my meditations, journeys and dreams, to delve deeper. There's quite a bit about consciousness I haven't explored, and I do have much more to learn. We've actually discussed this in our shamanic workshops, and there's one recurring dream I have that I'd like to explore in a more intentional way. This has always been a fascinating topic to me.

But then it gets scary: "Animal Speak" also suggests that groundhogs, because of their ability to hibernate, can offer lessons associated with death and dying and revelations about its process. Um--that doesn't sound all that fun. Thank you Messrs. Groundhog, I'll take all this under consideration--but I think I'll focus on the dreams instead!

Of course, don't forget Groundhog Day in February--same time as Imbolc or St. Brigid's Day, when the critters emerge from hibernation to predict the weather.

Learn more about groundhogs here, or read the full "Animal Speak" entry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just Call Me "Rev"

Yes, come the Summer Solstice, I will be an ordained minister! Sorry to tease this out so long, but I've been busy working up the papers I need to submit, trying to work and trap all those groundhogs (we've spotted #4!).

Basically, I'll be an interfaith minister and can legally perform weddings. This came up out of the blue, as a result of the shamanic workshops which I've been attending. I thought, "Why not?" Yeah, it isn't the same as someone who goes to seminary for years and years, but then again, I'm not looking for disciples or a church. But maybe some nice pagan couple would like for me to help with their wedding vows. Just seems like it will open some interesting and unexpected doors.

We'll see. In the meantime, I promise not to turn out like this guy from "Princess Bride!"

Just Call Me "Rev"

Yes, come the Summer Solstice, I will be an ordained minister! Sorry to tease this out so long, but I've been busy working up the papers I need to submit, trying to work and trap all those groundhogs (we've spotted #4!).

Basically, I'll be an interfaith minister and can legally perform weddings. This came up out of the blue, as a result of the shamanic workshops which I've been attending. I thought, "Why not?" Yeah, it isn't the same as someone who goes to seminary for years and years, but then again, I'm not looking for disciples or a church. But maybe some nice pagan couple would like for me to help with their wedding vows. Just seems like it will open some interesting and unexpected doors.

We'll see. In the meantime, I promise not to turn out like this guy from "Princess Bride!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

My 70s Crush--Wesley Eure--Comes Out of the Closet!

If you grew up in the 70s and watched either "Days of Our Lives" or the never-to-be-surpassed "Land of the Lost" (take that, Will Ferrell!), then you may have lusted in your heart over actor Wesley Eure. Eure played Michael Horton on the soap and Will on "Lost." Turns out he's gay! And was boyfriends with actor Richard Chamberlain! Now he's out and has a cameo in Ferrell's remake of "Lost."

Oh, be still my heart.

Saw this via Joe.My.God. Here's a link to Eure's full interview.

My 70s Crush--Wesley Eure--Comes Out of the Closet!

If you grew up in the 70s and watched either "Days of Our Lives" or the never-to-be-surpassed "Land of the Lost" (take that, Will Ferrell!), then you may have lusted in your heart over actor Wesley Eure. Eure played Michael Horton on the soap and Will on "Lost." Turns out he's gay! And was boyfriends with actor Richard Chamberlain! Now he's out and has a cameo in Ferrell's remake of "Lost."

Oh, be still my heart.

Saw this via Joe.My.God. Here's a link to Eure's full interview.

I Bought a Sarong!

The video shows actor Pierce Brosnan wearing a sarong in "The Thomas Crown Affair"--and, oh yeah, I totally look that good in it!

So why a sarong? Well, they're so comfy--and it's part of my outfit for my minister ordination. Yes, I have some explaining to do! And I promise I will. Hopefully I can post some pics, too.

I Bought a Sarong!

The video shows actor Pierce Brosnan wearing a sarong in "The Thomas Crown Affair"--and, oh yeah, I totally look that good in it!

So why a sarong? Well, they're so comfy--and it's part of my outfit for my minister ordination. Yes, I have some explaining to do! And I promise I will. Hopefully I can post some pics, too.

Shopping Carts Used by American Couple to Spy for Cuba

"Pssst. Meet me in the juice aisle. Got some top-secret info for you--and there's a sale on Oceanspray!"

That's seems to have been the preferred method for couple Kendall and Gwendolyn Myers--retired State Department employees--to pass U.S. secrets to Cuban agents. But according to Gwendolyn, they recently stopped using the grocery cart method because of all the cameras now in stores.

But it worked for nearly 30 years! Of course, the State Department is pissed and says the breach of security is "incredibly serious." I suppose--but based on what? We're still here, Cuba's still on the brink of collapse. Yeah, whatever secrets were handed over couldn't have been all that important. I'm just saying...

Still the couple--now in their 70s--may get 30-some years in prison if convicted. And this revelation may halt recent progress on immigration talks between the U.S. and Cuba. And just when we were all starting to get along!

Shopping Carts Used by American Couple to Spy for Cuba

"Pssst. Meet me in the juice aisle. Got some top-secret info for you--and there's a sale on Oceanspray!"

That's seems to have been the preferred method for couple Kendall and Gwendolyn Myers--retired State Department employees--to pass U.S. secrets to Cuban agents. But according to Gwendolyn, they recently stopped using the grocery cart method because of all the cameras now in stores.

But it worked for nearly 30 years! Of course, the State Department is pissed and says the breach of security is "incredibly serious." I suppose--but based on what? We're still here, Cuba's still on the brink of collapse. Yeah, whatever secrets were handed over couldn't have been all that important. I'm just saying...

Still the couple--now in their 70s--may get 30-some years in prison if convicted. And this revelation may halt recent progress on immigration talks between the U.S. and Cuba. And just when we were all starting to get along!

OMG--Groundhog No. 3!

Wow, I'm getting really good at this trappin' thing! We set the trap early yesterday evening, and within an hour or 2, we caught this one. Just couldn't resist that freshly sliced squash and juicy lettuce!

Like the other 2, we released this one a few miles away.

Of course, now that the groundhogs are losing, the deer seem to be moving in...

OMG--Groundhog No. 3!

Wow, I'm getting really good at this trappin' thing! We set the trap early yesterday evening, and within an hour or 2, we caught this one. Just couldn't resist that freshly sliced squash and juicy lettuce!

Like the other 2, we released this one a few miles away.

Of course, now that the groundhogs are losing, the deer seem to be moving in...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Gay Penguins and Laughing Monkeys

Thought these 2 stories were intriguing.

The gay penguins in Berlin have raised a baby penguin on their own (aww!). Apparently there are 3 such same-sex couples there at the Berlin zoo. Wonder how the fundies explain this? Must have been gay penguin teachers in penguin schools or gay programming on penguin television!

And research is showing that some primates laugh, not the same as we do, but they show similar responses and characteristics of laughter. Plus, it's more evidence of how we're linked to primates through evolution. Wonder how the Christians explain this? I mean, seriously, why would "God" give a monkey the ability to laugh?

'Course, considering how some Christians behave, it appears God didn't give them the ability to laugh either!

Gay Penguins and Laughing Monkeys

Thought these 2 stories were intriguing.

The gay penguins in Berlin have raised a baby penguin on their own (aww!). Apparently there are 3 such same-sex couples there at the Berlin zoo. Wonder how the fundies explain this? Must have been gay penguin teachers in penguin schools or gay programming on penguin television!

And research is showing that some primates laugh, not the same as we do, but they show similar responses and characteristics of laughter. Plus, it's more evidence of how we're linked to primates through evolution. Wonder how the Christians explain this? I mean, seriously, why would "God" give a monkey the ability to laugh?

'Course, considering how some Christians behave, it appears God didn't give them the ability to laugh either!

Has Hillary Won or Lost on Cuba?

The small nation of Cuba carries a weight in the politics of this hemisphere that is out of proportion to its size and power. Ironically, by trying to isolate the Communist island, we've given it more influence than it otherwise would have on its own. It's like the pebble in your sandal. So I'm very curious to see how the Obama administration will change things, if at all.

But things ARE changing. The Organization of American States voted to allow Cuba to rejoin after roughly 50 years--and they broke with the U.S. Or did they? Cuba can rejoin with preconditions; the nation must improve on human rights and other issues. Hillary Clinton says this is a good compromise. Her critics, and those of Obama, however, are already calling this a defeat for the new administration, saying Clinton should have bullied the other OAS countries into keeping Cuba out. Most of the OAS members seem fed up with U.S. policy and posturing toward Cuba.

But I wonder if Clinton and Obama let this happen. Cuba obviously needs to improve human rights, and yet we didn't bully our way to keep the country out of OAS. By reversing this 50-year-old ban, we let other OAS members have a say. We're showing that we're willing to have a "new beginning," as Obama has said. We're taking steps toward Cuba, and now we're waiting to see what it will offer in return. Which is all smart and reasonable, I think.

Of course, the U.S. provides about 60% of OAS funding, and some rabid anti-Communist members of Congress are already threatening to pull funding if Cuba rejoins. Which is funny--because Cuba has basically said, "Thanks, but fuck you." Cuba doesn't even WANT to rejoin!

And around and around we go...

Has Hillary Won or Lost on Cuba?

The small nation of Cuba carries a weight in the politics of this hemisphere that is out of proportion to its size and power. Ironically, by trying to isolate the Communist island, we've given it more influence than it otherwise would have on its own. It's like the pebble in your sandal. So I'm very curious to see how the Obama administration will change things, if at all.

But things ARE changing. The Organization of American States voted to allow Cuba to rejoin after roughly 50 years--and they broke with the U.S. Or did they? Cuba can rejoin with preconditions; the nation must improve on human rights and other issues. Hillary Clinton says this is a good compromise. Her critics, and those of Obama, however, are already calling this a defeat for the new administration, saying Clinton should have bullied the other OAS countries into keeping Cuba out. Most of the OAS members seem fed up with U.S. policy and posturing toward Cuba.

But I wonder if Clinton and Obama let this happen. Cuba obviously needs to improve human rights, and yet we didn't bully our way to keep the country out of OAS. By reversing this 50-year-old ban, we let other OAS members have a say. We're showing that we're willing to have a "new beginning," as Obama has said. We're taking steps toward Cuba, and now we're waiting to see what it will offer in return. Which is all smart and reasonable, I think.

Of course, the U.S. provides about 60% of OAS funding, and some rabid anti-Communist members of Congress are already threatening to pull funding if Cuba rejoins. Which is funny--because Cuba has basically said, "Thanks, but fuck you." Cuba doesn't even WANT to rejoin!

And around and around we go...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gay Marriage Now in Six States!

Thank you, New Hampshire!

It's the latest state to approve gay marriage, joining Iowa, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

I now love corn (Iowa) and anything New England!

Six down, 44 to go!

Gay Marriage Now in Six States!

Thank you, New Hampshire!

It's the latest state to approve gay marriage, joining Iowa, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

I now love corn (Iowa) and anything New England!

Six down, 44 to go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gotcha, Groundhog #2!

And so the Groundhog Relocation Project continues! Caught this one just a little while ago and will take him to his new home across the lake shortly.

Two down--at least one more critter to go! However, we've already lost our squash plants, dammit! Ah well, we won't starve...

Gotcha, Groundhog #2!

And so the Groundhog Relocation Project continues! Caught this one just a little while ago and will take him to his new home across the lake shortly.

Two down--at least one more critter to go! However, we've already lost our squash plants, dammit! Ah well, we won't starve...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Latest Shamanic Weekend: Sirius and Sacredness, Part 3

Meditations, Melchizedek and Melancholy

Part 3 of 4. This part of the last workshop is tough to write down since I have so many conflicting emotions.
This workshop was heavy on various meditation techniques and lots of practice, which I enjoyed. Shamanic journeying (or meditation, if you prefer) has become an effective spiritual technique for me in reaching insights, peace and other good stuff. But I see it as a vehicle to access the subconscious part of ourselves and not literally as a gateway for talking to various beings, entities and others that exist at other levels of consciousness.

I could be wrong, of course. But I'm just leery of believing in yet more ascendant beings (like Jesus) who are supposed to reach down and save humanity if only we'll do their bidding. Or evangelize and convince everyone else to see things our way. Been there, bought that T-shirt!

Angels Among Us?
Some of the meditations, I'm just not comfortable sharing about yet. Some produced feelings of real joy and peace, and others led me on mysterious inner journeys. A few seemed just silly (trip to the star Sirius anyone?), and I'm a little embarrassed about what I "saw" and experienced.

Others were surprising at first and then, upon further reflection, not so much given my Christian background. Since angels have become such a New Age staple now, one of journey's was to hang out with a few. Me--not interested. I know we're lulled into thinking angels are beings who sweetly sing about the baby Jesus' birth, but I know there are plenty of stories in the Bible about angels bringing bad news and being harbingers of doom. Have you read the book of Revelation? So I didn't get much out of this one, no surprise.

But it's all just symbolic, right? Another meditation surprised me with the power of its symbols. Without any specific instructions or anything, I saw a white dove hovering over me in one meditation, its body so close to me it blocked out the sun. And I "heard" the dove speak with the voice of Jesus. Now, as someone who no longer believes Jesus is a divine being or the son of god, this was unsettling. It was "all in my head," and yet the emotions it triggered were familiar to those I once felt when deep in prayer as a devout Christian.

Maybe this only means I shouldn't write off those experiences. Many New Agers or pagans see Jesus as a cool dude or an ascended being from whom we can all learn without pledging our eternal allegiance. Maybe--I'm working on that.

Careful Who You Follow
I guess I'm curious as to whether you can find value in some of these practices without taking all of it literally--which is what got me into trouble with Christianity. We watched a video of a guy named Drunvalo Melchizedek, who I've mentioned before. It's all very complicated, but he basically sees himself as some enlightened being sent here to help the rest of us--if we'll only buy his books and CDs. In fact, he's suing some guy right now for alleged copyright infringement because this guy used his meditation technique without permission.

Interesting. If your meditation technique is key to human evolution and the greater good, shouldn't it be free? Even if Jesus' followers don't always follow this rule, at least Jesus did.

In summary, the Melchizedek guy strikes me as a little stuck on himself and how special he is. I just don't buy it--and yet the facilitator for our workshops is a big fan, and a lot of the stuff we've discussed is based on D. Melchizedek's ideas. Some of the ideas are too far-out for me to accept. It just all seems so complicated and dense and--weird. Sure, it's fun and entertaining--like a great TV show--but I don't know that I want to pattern my life after it. I have that T-shirt, too.

I'm sticking with my gut this time.

If you want an entertaining read about some of these theories from various sources, check out Secret Sun. Blogger Christopher Knowles does an admirable job of exploring some wacky ideas with an appealing blend of curiosity and skepticism. Lots of fun to read.

Latest Shamanic Weekend: Sirius and Sacredness, Part 3

Meditations, Melchizedek and Melancholy

Part 3 of 4. This part of the last workshop is tough to write down since I have so many conflicting emotions.
This workshop was heavy on various meditation techniques and lots of practice, which I enjoyed. Shamanic journeying (or meditation, if you prefer) has become an effective spiritual technique for me in reaching insights, peace and other good stuff. But I see it as a vehicle to access the subconscious part of ourselves and not literally as a gateway for talking to various beings, entities and others that exist at other levels of consciousness.

I could be wrong, of course. But I'm just leery of believing in yet more ascendant beings (like Jesus) who are supposed to reach down and save humanity if only we'll do their bidding. Or evangelize and convince everyone else to see things our way. Been there, bought that T-shirt!

Angels Among Us?
Some of the meditations, I'm just not comfortable sharing about yet. Some produced feelings of real joy and peace, and others led me on mysterious inner journeys. A few seemed just silly (trip to the star Sirius anyone?), and I'm a little embarrassed about what I "saw" and experienced.

Others were surprising at first and then, upon further reflection, not so much given my Christian background. Since angels have become such a New Age staple now, one of journey's was to hang out with a few. Me--not interested. I know we're lulled into thinking angels are beings who sweetly sing about the baby Jesus' birth, but I know there are plenty of stories in the Bible about angels bringing bad news and being harbingers of doom. Have you read the book of Revelation? So I didn't get much out of this one, no surprise.

But it's all just symbolic, right? Another meditation surprised me with the power of its symbols. Without any specific instructions or anything, I saw a white dove hovering over me in one meditation, its body so close to me it blocked out the sun. And I "heard" the dove speak with the voice of Jesus. Now, as someone who no longer believes Jesus is a divine being or the son of god, this was unsettling. It was "all in my head," and yet the emotions it triggered were familiar to those I once felt when deep in prayer as a devout Christian.

Maybe this only means I shouldn't write off those experiences. Many New Agers or pagans see Jesus as a cool dude or an ascended being from whom we can all learn without pledging our eternal allegiance. Maybe--I'm working on that.

Careful Who You Follow
I guess I'm curious as to whether you can find value in some of these practices without taking all of it literally--which is what got me into trouble with Christianity. We watched a video of a guy named Drunvalo Melchizedek, who I've mentioned before. It's all very complicated, but he basically sees himself as some enlightened being sent here to help the rest of us--if we'll only buy his books and CDs. In fact, he's suing some guy right now for alleged copyright infringement because this guy used his meditation technique without permission.

Interesting. If your meditation technique is key to human evolution and the greater good, shouldn't it be free? Even if Jesus' followers don't always follow this rule, at least Jesus did.

In summary, the Melchizedek guy strikes me as a little stuck on himself and how special he is. I just don't buy it--and yet the facilitator for our workshops is a big fan, and a lot of the stuff we've discussed is based on D. Melchizedek's ideas. Some of the ideas are too far-out for me to accept. It just all seems so complicated and dense and--weird. Sure, it's fun and entertaining--like a great TV show--but I don't know that I want to pattern my life after it. I have that T-shirt, too.

I'm sticking with my gut this time.

If you want an entertaining read about some of these theories from various sources, check out Secret Sun. Blogger Christopher Knowles does an admirable job of exploring some wacky ideas with an appealing blend of curiosity and skepticism. Lots of fun to read.