Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And Speaking of the United Nations--U.S. to Join Declaration Decriminalizing Gays!

Really, I wish I didn't even have to post on these things--but this is good news! After the Bush administration refused to give U.S. approval to a UN declaration calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality around the world, Obama has said he will! Finally, a president who has some sense!

Here's an excerpt:
"We join with the other supporters of this statement and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people ..." said a White House official, who added that the U.S. was concerned about "violence and human rights abuses against gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual individuals" and was also "troubled by the criminalization of sexual orientation in many countries."
Bet they're talking about Burundi, which I posted on back in 2008. I find it so surreal that places like this still exist. Thank you, whatever gods there are that I wasn't born there! Just this week, 20,000 people marched in Burundi--in favor of making homosexuality a criminal offense! Hmmm, guess Burundi gets crossed off the list for the next White Party.

So much fear, so much drama and so unnecessary...

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