Sunday, August 1, 2010

Honoring Lughnasadh--and a Goodbye

Ok, let's cut right to the chase. I've decided to shut down this blog. But it's actually a good thing! And it's fitting that I do it today, as a way to mark Lughnasadh. In the past, today was a time to gather in nature's harvest; now we instead reflect on what is manifesting in our lives as the year draws closer and closer to autumn. As I reflect in this way, I see that I'm moving more and more out of my spiritual closet and into the wider world. I'm also finding more outlets for my writing, and that's been a great experience. Since I don't really "harvest" in the traditional sense, I also like to think of this time of the year as one of nature's maturity. We've gone from new growth in the spring and have now arrived at full flower and maturity. And so this is reflected in my own life, too.

When I started this blog a little less than 3 years ago, I was also beginning a new spiritual path. I was insecure, unsure and just looking for an outlet. Now that I'm more confident and sure of my path, I'm emerging into the "real world," and so I need this outlet less and less. I was also searching for my own voice, if you will. For various reasons, I didn't know who I was or, at the least, didn't feel confident in expressing certain aspects of my life. I still have a way to go, but I do think I've found my voice now, both in spiritual expression and direction, and in my writing. Hurray!

Since my hiatus earlier this summer, I've been on a nice vacation, spent some time writing, and I've conducted one house blessing and another ceremony I created for high school graduations. In addition, I've been digging further into my family's ancestry and have found new connections--one of those is that 1 set of great-grandparents are buried less than 1/2 mile from my current home. So one thing I'm exploring more is my ancestors.

I do plan to leave this page up so that I can still connect with many of you from time to time. You have such interesting things to say and share! Just don't come here expecting to see anything new. But--who knows, I may revive this blog if the mood hits me again. I want to thank everyone who has read a post or left a comment; so many of you have encouraged me along my path, reaching out to share a common interest when I often felt isolated or tentative. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

In closing, I'd like to encourage you all to follow your heart, take chances and believe in yourself. This world is a wonderful place, and all it takes to see it is for us to open our eyes and look. At the bottom of this blog, I've included something written by Rumi that I think sums up what I'm trying to say. When my eyes finally opened several years ago, a friend showed me this poem, and it felt as if Rumi had been reading my mind. So I've repeated it here:

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
"Don't go back to sleep.
"You must ask for what you really want.
"Don't do back to sleep.
"People are going back and forth across the doorsill where two worlds touch.
"The door is round and open.
"Don't go back to sleep."

Honoring Lughnasadh--and a Goodbye

Ok, let's cut right to the chase. I've decided to shut down this blog. But it's actually a good thing! And it's fitting that I do it today, as a way to mark Lughnasadh. In the past, today was a time to gather in nature's harvest; now we instead reflect on what is manifesting in our lives as the year draws closer and closer to autumn. As I reflect in this way, I see that I'm moving more and more out of my spiritual closet and into the wider world. I'm also finding more outlets for my writing, and that's been a great experience. Since I don't really "harvest" in the traditional sense, I also like to think of this time of the year as one of nature's maturity. We've gone from new growth in the spring and have now arrived at full flower and maturity. And so this is reflected in my own life, too.

When I started this blog a little less than 3 years ago, I was also beginning a new spiritual path. I was insecure, unsure and just looking for an outlet. Now that I'm more confident and sure of my path, I'm emerging into the "real world," and so I need this outlet less and less. I was also searching for my own voice, if you will. For various reasons, I didn't know who I was or, at the least, didn't feel confident in expressing certain aspects of my life. I still have a way to go, but I do think I've found my voice now, both in spiritual expression and direction, and in my writing. Hurray!

Since my hiatus earlier this summer, I've been on a nice vacation, spent some time writing, and I've conducted one house blessing and another ceremony I created for high school graduations. In addition, I've been digging further into my family's ancestry and have found new connections--one of those is that 1 set of great-grandparents are buried less than 1/2 mile from my current home. So one thing I'm exploring more is my ancestors.

I do plan to leave this page up so that I can still connect with many of you from time to time. You have such interesting things to say and share! Just don't come here expecting to see anything new. But--who knows, I may revive this blog if the mood hits me again. I want to thank everyone who has read a post or left a comment; so many of you have encouraged me along my path, reaching out to share a common interest when I often felt isolated or tentative. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

In closing, I'd like to encourage you all to follow your heart, take chances and believe in yourself. This world is a wonderful place, and all it takes to see it is for us to open our eyes and look. At the bottom of this blog, I've included something written by Rumi that I think sums up what I'm trying to say. When my eyes finally opened several years ago, a friend showed me this poem, and it felt as if Rumi had been reading my mind. So I've repeated it here:

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
"Don't go back to sleep.
"You must ask for what you really want.
"Don't do back to sleep.
"People are going back and forth across the doorsill where two worlds touch.
"The door is round and open.
"Don't go back to sleep."