Monday, December 21, 2009

Thinking of Renewal at Winter Solstice

So 'round we go once again. Today marks the shortest day of the year, when the Northern Hemisphere is positioned such that the least amount of the sun's heat and light reaches us. And then, slowly, the earth orbits the sun so that a little bit more of the sun gets to us each day, until we reach the longest day of the year in Summer 2010. I mark this day because it reminds me that I live on this tiny planet in this great, big, enormous universe--dependent on titled, orbiting planets and blazing stars that are cool enough not to bake us alive but warm enough so we don't freeze solid either. A little farther toward the sun or a little farther out, and that would be our story.

The Winter Solstice is a time for renewal, and this year I hope for renewed personal energy. I just don't have much enthusiasm--or patience!--for anything. And I also wish for a renewal of my relationship with my partner--meaning, that if anything is going to happen, if it's going to last, if it's worth saving, then now is the time. I may be crazy, but I still hope. He and I have enjoyed a good couple of days together, and that's made this season more special. We're working on renewal--and with that in mind, I'll share a short reading that i used in the solstice ceremony which we did together earlier this evening.

"Snow and ice have cooled our minds, 
Cold winds have blown away our fertile thoughts, 
Silent night have stilled our tongues. 
Like the bear, the fox and the toad,
Our creativity hibernates without the warmth of the sun.
Come to us now, Inspiration, as the sun returns!
As the sun grows in strength,
So may the fire in our hearts!" 

Happy Solstice everyone! Here's to renewal.

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